I've been using Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega Mushroom Skin Relief Soothing Face Lotion and Advanced Face Serum for two weeks already, and I truly love it.
I have quite some redness problem on my face, as you all can see on the picture.
The first product I put on is Advanced face serum. It has a very mushroom color, and smells very mushroom too.
Not a lot of people can take this smell. But since I've been using natural skin-care products for quite some time, I just simply love this smell. It has a very liquidly texture, and you don't need a lot to cover up your face. I do believe that I have a pretty big face, but all I need is one and a half pumps. It is very light-weighted, and absorbs very quickly, which I like very which as well since I don't like heavy, creamy products.
And oh my god, just one layer of the serum, the redress on my face reduced a bit already!!!
Now I put on the face lotion. Unlike the serum, it has more of a light white color. Smell just like the serum, very natural, calming, peaceful mushroom smell. The texture is very similar too, light-weighted liquidy cream. A pump or two will cover up your face as well.
And here you go, after applying on my face, same thing happened again. The redness reduced even more. So happy :)
Conclusion - great products, great effects, only thing is, little expensive. 50ml of serum is $600 and 50ml of lotion is $700.